Liza Nel
Liza is responsible for the ministry of Trans World Radio “Women of Hope SA”. God’s grace has led her to be involved in many ministries in various congregations over the years. Her path with The Allmighty began when she was eight years old. As a child she allowed God into her life. “I was interested in His character, how He reasons and who God is. I love all aspects of The Most High. His devotion and care, His unchanging character , His leadership, clear guidelines of what He likes and what He doesn’t like. His rules, His justice and unshakable goodness. His being keeps bringing me closer to Him, every day. From a young age I learned that God is transparent and to the point. When my words or actions displease Him, God will lovingly, though firmly, guide me and reveal to me that what I have done or said is not His way of doing things. When God rebukes me, I recognize my sin, confess it and correct my ways. The alternative is to turn away from Him and continue to follow my own head, BUT I love Him too much to respond that way. This exciting relationship with God is a connection of mutual respect and true love. God’s genuine love led me to dedicate my life to Him to this day. His love has definitely become my “SafetyNet”.