Verstaan jy wat jy lees?

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Friday 01:00 01:30
Sunday 01:00 01:30

Braam Klopper met Verstaan jy wat jy lees?

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Braam Klopper Empowers you to read and understand the Bible.

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Braam Klopper is a minister and student of the Word of God. He is also an award-winning author, a radio presenter at Radio Pulpit and a pastoral therapist. In addition, he has a passion for helping people unde Braam Klopper is a minister and student of the Word of God. He is also an award-winning author, a radio presenter at Radio Pulpit and a pastoral therapist. In addition, he has a passion for helping people understand the Bible.

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Verstaan jy wat jy lees? crew

Braam Klopper is a minister and student of the Word of God. He is also an award-winning author, a radio presenter at Radio Pulpit and a pastoral therapist. In addition, he has a passion for helping people understand the Bible.

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