Free Biblical Counselling

Radio Cape Pulpit 729AM in partnership with ABBO Biblical counselling provide free biblical counselling based on the Word of God.

Our ABBO counsellors are ready and willing to help you and your family with sound biblical counselling.

Contact us on 021 917 7000 and select option “1”, then wait to be transferred to the first available counsellor. Alternatively choose your counsellor on Also send an email to:

About ABBO

We have selected ABBO counsellors who have the qualifications and experience for in depth counselling ministry. These Biblical counsellors have a vast experience of counselling and are committed to both care for you and listen to the Word of God. ABBO offers this ministry to Radio Cape Pulpit, and various other organisations and congregations. This is not to replace pastoral care in local congregations but to support it.

ABBO offers the counselling online through video conferencing but also provide it locally, in a face-to-face situation.

ABBO provides a free bridging counselling service (listening and praying together) to Radio Cape Pulpit and anyone can call Radio Cape Pulpit to be connected to an ABBO bridging counsellor. This service is provided in different indigenous languages.

Radio Cape Pulpit counselling line: 021 917 7000 – select option “1” to be transferred to the dedicated counsellor. Counselling hours: 09h00 – 21h00 Mondays – Saturdays.

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