Fokus met Steve Zimmerman

Scheduled on

Friday 05:30 05:45

Focus with Steve Zimmerman

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Starting your day with God is an everyday challenge. Dying to self and taking up the Cross of salvation is what our Focus/Fokus contributors speaks about. Be encouraged and be changed.

Steve was 11 when he left Coldwater with his parents and moved to Cape Town, South Africa. Steve grew up in the missionary field and speaks four languages. He says: “The language you speak determines who you will marry, where you will live and where you will die,” he said. “Tribalism is the biggest problem in Africa.”

“The church is one place where there is no war. Noting the main objective is to worship and to bring Jesus to those who don’t know him. They call the Bible ‘the words of the God,’ which makes my job much easier,” says Steve. “There is no picking and choosing what it is they want to hear. Their question is: ‘What must I do?’”

The Cape Bible Seminary was born from this, reaching more than 1,000 students every year for teaching, training and equipping. However, the seminary isn’t a building. Zimmerman goes to the people, traveling 800 miles around Cape Town and meeting in garages, under trees and in shacks.
“It’s what Mark, chapter six, tells us to do — to go unto all the world and save the lost,’

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